“I am the tall cypress, which I can show you a sign of straightness. There is no sign of more straightness, other than the cypress.” - Rumi

Our name, Cypoint, is a word game composed of the words Cypress Point which is a headland or peninsula where cypresses grow. The cypress, in turn, is a tree that has been depicted and used symbolically in many different countries, religions and traditions. Often it has been used to represent a long, prosperous life or life after death. That's why we've chosen it as a symbol of our sustainability work and platform.
So what does the cypress symbolize for our work? Our vision is for our work around sustainability, and how we communicate it, to be as stable and long-term as the root system that helps the cypress rest upon. By allowing our values and our sustainability work to be developed and implemented over time together with our employees, our goal is for it to live on for a long time to come.
We are constantly working to develop our sustainability work and do what we can both within our organization and for the outside world. Part of what we do is to focus on the parts of Agenda 2030 that we can relate to our operations. Agenda 2030 is the plan that UN member states adopted in 2015 with the aim of reducing poverty, inequality and injustice in the world, promoting peace and justice and solving the climate crisis. It consists of 17 global challenges with different sub-goals for sustainable development.
When it comes to sustainability, our vision is to be able to contribute to social, environmental and economic sustainability linked to the global goals and our operations. As a company in digitization and IT, we have a responsibility to ensure that digital growth takes place in the most sustainable way possible.
In addition to the services we offer to our customers, we also want to take the impact we have seriously and contribute to a better world where we can. As the people who work with us are valuable to our business we've made their well-being, equality and inclusion issues one of our main priorities. By taking care of our employees and valuing their perspectives and ideas, we also believe that our sustainability work will have a greater effect.
At Cypoint everyone gets to participate and influence our work in the ways they want can and want to. We believe in the power of working together and developing our operations and initiatives from the inside and out. Together we build long-term financial sustainability in our companies, which enables us to do more for the outside world as we grow.
For us our employees, existing and new customers, suppliers and partners as well as society at large are stakeholders in our sustainability work. Therefore, we develop the content of our sustainability platform Cypress continuously and want everyone to be able to influence and have a positive impact in the ways that we can.
Through various investments, both large and small, we as a group want to contribute to the global goals for sustainable development. As an employer, we prioritize the areas of good health and well-being, increased gender equality, decent working conditions and economic growth as well as reduced inequality.
Through the services we offer, our goal is to support a sustainable industry, innovations and infrastructure. We also contribute to sustainable cities and communities. In addition to our group-wide goals, the respective subsidiaries work with sustainability in different ways in their respective operations.
Our mission is a journey of evolution. We will develop this platform, and our sustainability work, over time together with our employees.

With the help of various internal policies around travel, well-being, pay and suppliers, we want to contribute to sustainability through our everyday work. According to our travel policy, we encourage and make it easier for our employees to travel climate-smartly and cost-effectively, both to and from work and when they travel for work.
To the extent that it is possible for both parties, we choose and encourage contacts, meetings and dialogues via modern communication solutions. Both to reduce our climate footprint from traveling, but also to "save time and money" for everyone.
We offer a flexible working situation where our employees can work from wherever they want and often even when they want, as long as it works for the assignment, the customer and the context.
In this way, we are helping to create a labor market where you don't always "go to work" but where the job adjusts to where you are at the moment or have chosen to live, which we believe is an important key to social sustainability.
We also make demands on our suppliers through our supplier's policy. They are expected to work actively with sustainability issues from the perspective of the environment and climate impact and openly communicate how they work with sustainability issues through strategy, policies, organization, concrete efforts and reporting.
If you want to know more about what we do in connection with the various global challenges within Agenda 2030, you can find more information connected to the different goals below.
Our work is far from perfect and we constantly strive to get better and develop together with our employees. Together we find different ways to do good for the world in different ways and participate in sustainability initiatives on different levels. In addition to trying to run our own business in the most sustainable way possible, we have, among other things:

Supported Keep Sweden Clean (Håll Sverige Rent) four years in a row by picking up trash in nature. We all need to do what we can for a clean environment. A great opportunity to be outdoors and at the same time do good for the world around you.

Participated in Microsoft's sustainability initiative Partner Pledge and Breakit Impact Challenge - An initiative that works for a more climate-smart and sustainable business life.

Donated to charities working to prevent mental illness and support people affected by the war in Ukraine. Our contribution is directly related to our results - The better we do, the more we donate.

Good health and well-being is one of the sustainability goals we work towards. We have a strong employee focus and believe in the motto "Employee First - Customer First". By taking care of our employees, we can also do more for our customers. In addition to that, we strive to do what we can for increased social sustainability in society at large.

Equality is an important part of our business and therefore it is one of the sustainability goals we have chosen to focus on. By working proactively with inclusion and equality, both in leading positions and in the organization as a whole, we want to create a sustainable work environment for our employees and influence norms in society.

By working for decent working conditions for and economic growth, we want to create change both within our organization and for the outside world. Our motto is "Employee first - Customer first" and we believe that the way we take care of our employees shines through in everything we do. By creating good conditions for innovation and decent working conditions for everyone who works with us, we want to contribute to sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Through the services we offer, our goal is to promote a sustainable industry, innovations and infrastructure. We want to contribute to a better business life both within our own organization and with our customers.

An equal society is based on the principle of everyone's equal rights and opportunities regardless of e.g. gender, ethnicity, religion, functional variation, age and status. We at Cypoint are working to reduce inequalities and give everyone who works with us equal opportunities.

With policies for travel, meetings and hybrid work, we work both to reduce the climate footprint from traveling but also to "save time and money" for everyone involved.