11: Sustainable cities and communities
With policies for travel, meetings and hybrid work, we work both to reduce the climate footprint from traveling but also to "save time and money" for all parties.
By constantly becoming more aware of our impact on the outside world, we want to act responsibly for both the climate and the environment. One part of that is ensuring that the services we offer are carried out in the most sustainable way possible, that we make sustainable choices when it comes to our equipment and that we share office spaces with other companies to share a large part of our resources. We are far from perfect, but constantly strive to become better and find new ways to run our business more sustainably.
According to our travel policy, we encourage and make it easier for our employees to travel in a climate-friendly and cost-efficient way. Both to and from work and when they travel for work. Our service operations are a "people's business", which means that we have and need to have human contacts, meetings and dialogues with customers, industry colleagues and potential new employees on a regular basis. However, to the extent that it is possible for both parties, we choose and encourage contacts, meetings and dialogues via digital solutions. Both to minimize the climate footprint from traveling, but also to "save time and money" for everyone. We believe that the new "normal" is a working life where the "digital space" and remote work are a given at the same time as the physical workplace has fundamentally changed. And we aim to be a part of a positive change both for people and the world.
Here's part of what we state in our travel policy: "For trips on duty at Cypoint, we reason and prioritize like this - everything based on what is reasonable and wise for each individual occasion from different perspectives - not least also from a climate perspective: In the first place: Walking/walking or cycling. In other hand: Public transport such as train, commuter train or bus Third hand: Car, Taxi When we travel longer distances, we mainly choose and plan for trips by train and/or bus We only fly when it is right and reasonable from different perspectives for it given the opportunity. The immediate manager must always approve a flight. We compensate for the climate when we choose a flight".
We are part of a shared economy, which reduces the resources we use, as we are located in an office hotel at Drottninggatan 32 in Stockholm as well as at House Be in Umeå.

We have participated in the Keep Sweden Clean day four years in a row. It's a perfect opportunity to both get outdoors and do good for the environment at the same time.

We offer a flexible working situation where our employees can work from wherever they want as long as it works for the assignment, the customer and the context.