Meet Cypoint CEO.
We live in a time where services, working methods and the labour market are changing at an unprecedented pace. Our role and the values we offer as a consulting company in IT & digitalization will be both put to the test and changed in the coming years. Cypoint's corporate journey in this era is just beginning. In the first few years, we have set the foundation through our professional and good employees as well as customer assignments that we are extremely proud of.
We are now continuing our development journey with new offerings in addition to the business areas we already have in progress. We are confident in our agenda and it is the basic view "built to last" and sustainability that applies in our company building. As we now look ahead, I have the following five convictions that will be crucial success factors for us as a player in the consulting industry. Success factors that are also interrelated and interact with each other.
#1 Regardless of the changes that come and go, there is one thing that endures in our industry - we as people.
We humans function today as we did in the 90s when I entered the consulting industry, ie how we think and react with emotions. We are happy, sad, worried, safe for the same thing today as then. The consulting industry is and will always be a People's Business. That basic belief and what it means, we at Cypoint take with us as we now build and shape our company for our three pronounced target groups; employees, customers and the world around us.
#2 As a consulting company, we live and practice the approach Employee First - Customer First.
A simple, clear and obvious formula. By putting the employee in focus and in the driver's seat, the customer will get the best possible service and exchange of the cooperation and relationship. Very satisfied employees and customers make us as a company profitable so we can grow and develop further. This is the good cycle, Employee First - Customer First.
#3 The guiding and effective power of management by objectives, management by values and servant leadership.
The basis for unleashing the power and exchange in our company is to steer towards clear goals and where our employee promise and values are our common compass direction. In order to also live according to the Employee First – Customer First approach, we need a leadership style where we basically practice servant leadership. We believe and trust that our employees want to do and do their best, aim to achieve our goals, and we as leaders support, coach and help them in this.
#4 What’s in it for We - We are specialists who grow in a network and sharing economy.
We run specialized business units with cutting-edge expertise and niche offering focus, which is how we are convinced to succeed. But alone is not strong – it is through networks and strong partnerships that we can offer the customer best-of-breed and create real win-win-win. We are attracted to and believe in a What's in it for We attitude in our business and relationships.
#5 The new era and the playing field.
Today, many are looking for the best of both worlds. On the one hand, to be independent and self-governing, but on the other hand also to belong to a team and context. We at Cypoint like and believe in that life ourselves. Our employees will work even more from where you want and often even when you want, as long as it works for the assignment, the customer and the context. All "drivers and signals of change" show that we as consultants will live in a labor market where you do not always "go to work" but the job even more moves out where you currently are or have chosen to live.

Peter Lindblom CEO, Cypoint